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One thing few of us enjoy is change, yet change is inevitable. From the time we are born, change is a part of our lives.

Our bodies change as we grow older. The things we used to do when we were younger are difficult at best as we grow older. As one person said to me, ‘my mind knows exactly what to do, but my body refuses to cooperate!’

Relationships change. I don’ t know how many times I’ve heard people going through a broken relationship say something to the effect of, ‘I don’ t know what happened, he/she just changed’, or ‘we just grew apart over time.’

Job situations change. The things that worked for businesses ten years ago just will not work in our current culture. Businesses that survive need to learn how to change with the times of go out of business.

Technology changes. I don’ t think I  need to say much more than that! Never in my wildest dreams growing up would I have imagined I could look into a telephone and actually see and hear the person I am talking to, even if they are in a different country!

There are, of course, some things that stay the same. Gravity hasn’t changed much that we know of over time. The planets and stars continue their pattern across the sky. The Sun still comes up in the east and sets in the west. And God remains the same.

I think that is one of the most amazing promises in the Bible, and perhaps one that we don’t really realize the magnitude of. God never changes, yet he’s always current. God never changes in His love for us although our love from him wavers from time to time. God remains faithful even though we sometimes doubt his promises. God is always forgiving even though we make the same poor choices over and over again. God understood your emotions as a toddler, as a teenager, as a young adult and…well, wherever you are on the timeline of your life.

Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. ‘ Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Are you? Probably not, but He is someone you can count on. Always. His love, grace, mercy and understanding never changes.

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June 2024
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