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Grace Nuggets: Simple Reminders of God’s great love for you.

Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭2‬

For those of us who grew up in the church we have no doubt memorized or at least heard sermons on the beauty and grace promised in Romans 5:1, ”Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.“

All of grace is shown in that one verse. There are so many times though, that we tend to focus on one great truth and miss an even greater truth in the context of that verse.

While Romans 5:1 looks back at what Jesus did for us and what we have as a result, a greater nugget of truth may be found in the very next verse.

Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we have the privilege of sharing in God’s glory. God’s Glory is a difficult concept to define or comprehend in our human minds. John Piper says, “So, here is an attempt at a definition: the glory of God is the infinite beauty and greatness of God’s manifold perfections.”

This verse is so full of implications. First of all, because of Jesus and God’s Holy Spirit indwelling us, we are able to get a fuller grasp of how truly great our God is. As we grow closer to Him, we stand in awe of Him. We are His Temple, His dwelling place. Like some grand architect, we stand as a testament to His greatness. God communicates his greatness through us because we are His image-bearers.

But wait, there’s more! While we can’t fully grasp that in our human minds, (face it, I don’t do well at reflecting God’s glory most if not all the time) we have the promise that the glory of God is a promise we claim now and cash in in eternity.

Spend some time thinking of the Glory of God. Think about His power, about the intricacies of nature, the beauty of a sunset or sunrise. The wonder of life itself. How can you reflect that glory today through the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit?

How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! Psalms‬ ‭133‬:‭1‬

I love watching sports and will often cheer for the underdog, unless my team is playing of course. After a big game, sportscasters will often interview coaches and star players to get their take on the win.

In all the post-game shows I’ve watched, I’ve yet to hear a player say something like, “I’m amazing. You know, the guys all know they can’t win without me on their side. I’m truly a hero!”

The old cliché, ‘there is no I in team’ is true. Each person plays their part. In fact, sometimes the winning team may have less talent than the team they beat but pulled off the win because of tenacity and teamwork.

David begins Psalm 133 with praise for teamwork. He calls it harmony, but harmony is really about working together as a team, whether it be in a family, the workplace, the playing field or church. Harmony brings victory, division brings discord and defeat.

There are four things living in harmony can do for us. First of all, living in harmony shows strength in Solidarity. Harmony provides strength that becomes a source of hope for everyone involved. It helps us to believe that challenges can be overcome and goals and dreams can be achieved together.

Secondly, living in harmony distributes the weight of the burden and lightens the load. Shared responsibility makes the journey we are on easier to bear because we know we have mutual support.

The third thing living in harmony can offer us is connection. Harmony provides a source of encouragement and a sense of belonging. The bonds that form through harmony reinforce our sense of value. We realize we aren’t alone.

Lastly, living in harmony can be a source of inspiration an motivation. When we know we have a team behind us we can be motivated to perform above the level of our ability. We begin to believe in ourselves and each other.

The early Christian church was devoted to one another. They operated in harmony and changed the world. Think of ways you can join with others to make a difference for Jesus.

The one thing I ask of the Lord— the thing I seek most— is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple. Psalms‬ ‭27‬:‭4‬

Growing up, my uncle had a ‘cabin’ on a lake a couple hours north of where we lived. I use the word ‘cabin’ in quotes because what my uncle referred to as the cabin was not what I would think of a cabin.

It wasn’t some rustic building with few amenities on a small, obscure lake. His cabin had five bedrooms, a game room, a deck overlooking a huge, popular lake and a boathouse for the two boats he had. His ‘cabin’ was a mansion! We loved going there to visit because it was so beautiful and fun!

David writes of his love to visit the Lord’s house, In David’s day, the ‘Lord’s House’ was a building made of stone with altars and gold columns. It was big. I was impressive. It was the place where He could go and have communion with God.

Today, when we talk about going to ‘the Lord’s house’ we are referring to a church. A building where we go to worship God corporately, in community.

While this was true in Old Testament times, Paul teaches something different, something exciting, something new and profound. Paul teaches us that God no longer lives in a building of brick and wood. Because of Jesus, God has taken up residence in a building of flesh and blood!

When you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior God takes up residence in you through His Holy Spirit. You are His house. You are His Temple. You are His dwelling place. You carry him with you, or should I say, He carries you?

When I listen to negative talk about me, whether that comes from others or myself, I receive negative talk about God. I’m His house! Don’t knock my dad’s house.

Meeting together for worship as a body of believers is crucial to for each member of the body to grow and encourage each other, but don’t forget true worship comes from within, through God’s Holy Spirit living in you.

Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. “There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?” John‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬-‭9‬

How much is enough? A little boy once asked his father for a candy bar at the counter of a grocery store. Times were tough. The dad’s heart sank. Much as he’d love to give his son everything he wanted, the small amount of cash he had would barely pay for the families groceries. When he told the boy ‘not today’ the boy replied, “but daddy, it’s on sale. Appreciating the boy’s attempt at thriftiness, he replied, ‘Son, if it only costs a quarter but you don’t have a quarter it doesn’t matter how cheap it is.’

How much is enough?

The negative voices inside our heads answer that for us.

‘I’m not smart enough.’

‘I’m not thin enough.’

‘I’m not rich enough.’

And I love the ‘Christian versions’.

‘I’m not spiritual enough’

‘I don’t have enough faith.’

‘I don’t pray enough.’

‘I don’t study the Bible enough.’

Do a quick study of what the Bible says about how much is enough!

One day Jesus was teaching on a mountainside. It was getting late. The nearest town was a distance away. People were tired, the disciples were tired.

Then, Jesus suggested they all share a meal together. It was a preposterous idea! His friends looked at the situation and tried to explain it would take too much time. It would take too much food. There wasn’t enough.

A search for food turned up just five small loaves of bread and two fish, the perfect amount for small boy’s lunch.

What didn’t seem like enough to the over 5,000 people gathered ended up being more than enough when Jesus got involved.

What are the negative voices telling you? What don’t you have enough of? If Jesus can provide enough for over 5,000 people, I think he may just have enough for you.

Take the little steps. Trust him with the little things. Trust with the little things leads to bigger things! With Jesus, everything you have is enough.

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May 2024
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