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Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.

When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬ ‭

None of us want to be helpless. Other words that define helplessness are incapable, vulnerable, defenseless, or weak (to name a few).

Which of those descriptive words would you like to be known for? Which of those words would you want on your epitaph? “Here lies ‘xxx’, He was incapable in life to accomplish anything.” Pretty sure that isn’t what any of us would hope for.

We live in a world that celebrates strength. We live in a world that applauds independence. We live in a world that pities the weak.

While the Bible speaks often of God’s love and power, it seems as though His power is most accessible when we are at our weakest.

It’s hard to think that way though, isn’t it? It’s in our weak times that the voices of negativity scream the loudest. It’s in our times of vulnerability that we may tend to withdraw into a shell of protection or act out in order to defend our integrity. It’s when we feel incapable that we tend to lean on a victim mentality (If they hadn’t done that to me, things would be different)

I wonder if God sees our times of helplessness as times of waiting? When we feel helpless the natural thing to do is look for help.

We really have three options, three sources to help us in those times of helplessness. Our first ‘go to’ us usually ourselves. Society tells us to ‘look within ourselves’, to ‘follow our heart’. But God warns us that the heart is deceitful above all things.

The second option is to look to others. I don’t think I need to tell you the dangers of that! People let us down. Even within the church there are those who are users and abusers, who use religion as a weapon to destroy.

The last option is one that is the best but also the hardest and that is God. Jesus’ disciples had seen him perform miracle after miracle, but when he was in the boat sleeping they feared for their lives. Yet, at just the right time, Jesus was there as to calm the storm.

God’s timing isn’t comfortable but it’s always best. God’s timing brings success, my timing, well, let’s just say it’s caused problems.

It’s when we are helpless that he shows himself best. When you feel totally helpless, spend time with the one who has the strength , wisdom and power to see you through the storm.

Last of all, as though I had been born at the wrong time, I also saw him. 1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭8

We can’t be sure, but it’s very likely that the man we know as the Apostle Paul at least knew ABOUT Jesus while he ministered on earth.

Saul, as he was known before his conversion, was a high ranking Pharisee and would have heard about this ‘teacher from Galilee. He would have heard about the miracles. He could have heard about His teachings. He may have even been involved in planning his death!

One might ask, how could someone see so many good things and still reject Jesus? How could one see the miracles and still not believe? How could one see the life changes and still doubt?

Yet, that was Saul’s story until that fateful day on a road to Damascus. Saul was enjoying the prestige and power he had over these ‘followers of the way’ these believers in Jesus. He spewed hate, anger and judgment. He basked in the glory of his violence.

Then he saw Jesus in a new way and everything changed. There are still many who know ABOUT Jesus. They’ve heard the stories. They’ve seen the life change. Yet they have yet to ‘see’ Jesus.

There are even those of us who have walked with Jesus for years that have a tendency to grow so content with Him that we fail to live in the power of His Spirit living within us.

May we each see Jesus for who He is in all His power and majesty. May we never grow apathetic in our worship of Him. May we live in such a way that others see Jesus because of how we interact with them.

And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭5‬

What is the biggest thing you have ever hoped for that ended in disappointment? I remember one Christmas growing up when I hoped for a certain toy to be under the tree. I laid as many hints as a seven-year old could about what I wanted. I even prayed for it to happen. I figured if Santa couldn’t come through, at least God would.

I think you know what happened. I got some really cool gifts that Christmas, but not the one thing I’d hoped for. I was disappointed.

Now, years later and many disappointments later I quite honestly can’t remember what I even wanted that Christmas. I just remember the disappointment.

To be fair, in spite of my not-so-subtle hints, my parents either missed the messages or simply couldn’t afford the gift I wanted more than anything.

We all hope for things. I can’t imagine anyone walking the wedding aisle without hoping this marriage will last ‘til death do us part.’ Yet more than half of all marriages end broken.

No one takes a drink of alcohol with the hope of becoming an addict. Yet addiction to drugs is a rampant scourge on society.

No one drives a new car off the lot hoping it will be repossessed soon. But debt attacks us from all sides with no mercy.

No matter how hard you try, more often than not our hopes end in disappointment. We’ve tried our hardest. We’ve prayed. We’ve looked in the Bible for answers. Still, with all our efforts, many of our hopes end in disappointment.

With all the disappointments we face in life there is one hope we can count on to not disappoint. Simply stated, “Jesus Loves Me This I Know”.

Others will fail you. Some will malign you and reject you. Hopes for ‘things’ will fall empty to the ground. But, ‘Jesus Loves You’ and that’s a hope you can bank on!

But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬

We live in a world of fear. Fear shows itself in a variety of ways. Hate, hopelessness, Anger, frustration, despair,, revenge and confusion are just a few ways we deal with our fear.

Most times, if not always, fear happens because the things being done to us, or the things happening around us are out of our control. Our reaction to fear is often an attempt to regain control.

When you believe in a Sovereign God, and live in that truth you are, in a very real sense, giving up that control because you realize your God is in ultimate control. Because of faith you can relinquish control to a loving, sovereign God.

Another thing happens when you live in the shadow of a sovereign God, your hope and faith is seen by those around you, and quite frankly it’s a little hard for them to figure out!

Peter writes to a people in perilous times. In his day, there was open season on Christ-followers. Yet he encourages them to live in faith and hope, and when others question us about our hope we are called on to answer in a respectful, gentle way. No judgment. No hellfire and brimstone. No verbal abuse. Peter was a firey guy. Yet he calls us to gentleness, as does Paul and Jesus.

Our hope will speak more loudly when we live lives in gentleness and respect. Remember, it’s God’s Spirit that wins people to Jesus, not clever arguments, judgmental attitudes or anger.

Author Jerry Bridges states, “Both gentleness and meekness are born of power, not weakness. There is a pseudo-gentleness that is effeminate, and there is a pseudo-meekness that is cowardly. But a Christian is to be gentle and meek because those are Godlike virtues… We should never be afraid, therefore, that the gentleness of the Spirit means weakness of character. It takes strength, God’s strength, to be truly gentle.

Ask Holy Spirit to guide you into gentleness.

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