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I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead! Philippians‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬-‭11

A town close to mine, proudly holds the distinction of being the hometown of a famous professional football player. I know a few of his mutual friends, and because of that I have learned a lot about his growing up years, his personal life, and his faith.

I know a lot about him as well from press releases, and watching him play football. So, in some ways, I could say I know him.

On the other hand, I have a friend that I have known for over 50 years. I know him personally. I know much of his life story and his life struggles and his passions. We have personally walked through life tragedies together.

In one sense of the word, I know both of these men. But in another sense, my friend of over 50 years is somebody I know much deeper.

The same as true for Jesus. Knowing Jesus, in all of his power is different than knowing about Jesus. Knowing about Jesus is an intellectual experience that is often times a one time experience.

We can read stories about him, we can hear sermons about him, we can read books about him. We can be impressed with his teaching and his lifestyle.

But really knowing Jesus on a personal is a process. A process over time, a process of deepening relationship, a process of yielding more to Christ and less to our own passions.

Seek to know Jesus on a personal level. Ask him to reveal himself to you through his word, his Holy Spirit, and his church.

The more you truly know Jesus, the more you will experience his power, his peace, and his forgiveness.

The one thing I ask of the Lord— the thing I seek most— is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple. Psalms‬ ‭27‬:‭4‬

Growing up, my uncle had a ‘cabin’ on a lake a couple hours north of where we lived. I use the word ‘cabin’ in quotes because what my uncle referred to as the cabin was not what I would think of a cabin.

It wasn’t some rustic building with few amenities on a small, obscure lake. His cabin had five bedrooms, a game room, a deck overlooking a huge, popular lake and a boathouse for the two boats he had. His ‘cabin’ was a mansion! We loved going there to visit because it was so beautiful and fun!

David writes of his love to visit the Lord’s house, In David’s day, the ‘Lord’s House’ was a building made of stone with altars and gold columns. It was big. I was impressive. It was the place where He could go and have communion with God.

Today, when we talk about going to ‘the Lord’s house’ we are referring to a church. A building where we go to worship God corporately, in community.

While this was true in Old Testament times, Paul teaches something different, something exciting, something new and profound. Paul teaches us that God no longer lives in a building of brick and wood. Because of Jesus, God has taken up residence in a building of flesh and blood!

When you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior God takes up residence in you through His Holy Spirit. You are His house. You are His Temple. You are His dwelling place. You carry him with you, or should I say, He carries you?

When I listen to negative talk about me, whether that comes from others or myself, I receive negative talk about God. I’m His house! Don’t knock my dad’s house.

Meeting together for worship as a body of believers is crucial to for each member of the body to grow and encourage each other, but don’t forget true worship comes from within, through God’s Holy Spirit living in you.

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” And now here we are, standing inside your gates, O Jerusalem. Psalms‬ ‭122‬:‭1‬-‭2‬

Have you ever received an invitation to something and jumped at the chance because it was an exciting event, and an adventure that you look forward to?

I have a friend who has season tickets to a local professional team. When he invites me to a game, I jump at the chance. It doesn’t matter who they are playing, I just look forward to the atmosphere!

In Psalm 122, David is excited when he is invited to worship in Jerusalem with other believers.

Jerusalem was the center of Jewish worship just as the church is the center of Christian worship today.

David describes Jerusalem as being impenetrable. Nothing can attack it or defeat it. His place of safety, support, and security.

Now, we know physically that was not true for the city of Jerusalem, but spiritually speaking it was.

Jesus made a similar claim about the church. The walls of hell will not stand against it. The church is the strength of the believer to the glory of Jesus.

The church, as with Jerusalem, should be a place of unity and peace among God’s people. It should be a place where God’s people pray for harmony and prosperity.

When the church is at peace within its walls, the struggles outside seem less.

When the church focuses on the blessings of God and shows gratitude for all He’s done it glorifies the Father and strengthens the believers.

It’s the unity of believers that gives God’s people strength, purpose, and protection.

Never lose sight of the value of worshiping in a group, in person. When we worship in person we glorify the creator and are an encouragement to each other.

You’ve received the invitation! Get excited at the opportunity!

Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.

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