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Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18

For many of us, the gifts under the tree are opened, the celebrations are over (although some may still happen this week) and we are left with left-overs in the fridge, some after party cleaning and one more thing that can’t be taken away, the memories of time spend together.

Those who know me well know that I’m a bit of a self-proclaimed sap. When our kids left yesterday there was a smile and a knot in the stomach. A smile because our ‘family’ was complete once again, if only for a few hours. A knot because things aren’t the way they used to be.

Oh, the love is still there and stronger. We are so proud of the adults we once carried in our arms. But time was never meant to stand still. Time moves on. A rushing stream has has life, a stagnant pool is lifeless.

Not all memories are good of course. Not all memories are even healthy! Isaiah writes to a people who were in horrible times, yet, he writes with a promise of brighter days ahead. It’s good to visit the past, but don’t live there.

It’s good to laugh at each other and tell those family stories, but don’t forget to form new memories, new stories that your grandchildren can pass on.

It’s even good to remember your mistakes, those things that took you down a road you never thought you’d be on; those roads where you ended up getting stuck in a rut that kept you trapped for days, or months or years. But don’t live there.

Our sovereign God of love allows us to take those side trips as opportunities to be reminded of his love and grace and mercy and forgiveness. Cherish the memories of this holiday season. Look deeper at the hidden blessings you may have received. Then move on. Move on with the promise that times will change, kids will grow, we’ll get old, but our God stays the same. His love never changes. His mercy is new every morning.

2023 may have been a challenge or a blessing. But 2024 is already planned for you by a God who loves you!

The Lord swore an oath to David with a promise he will never take back: “I will place one of your descendants on your throne.” Psalms‬ ‭132‬:‭11‬ ‭

A friend of mine was promised an important position in the business he worked for by its owner once he retired. Unfortunately, the owner died unexpectedly leaving the business to family members. When he told them of the promise the owner had made, none of them knew about it or believed him. In fact, upon mentioning the promised position, his position was terminated and he was sent packing.

There’s an old saying, “A promise is only as good as the person making the promise.” There tends to be a lot of truth to that statement. It’s easy to make promises, but making good on those promises? That’s another story. We see that every election season. Promises made to get a vote don’t often result in fulfillment.

The promises of man are fickle, but the promises God gives us can be counted on to be true. The number of promises God gives us is up for conjecture. Suffice it to say there are many.

Psalm 132, is one example of a promise God gave to King David. God promises that David’s throne would last forever and that there would be one to sit on it that would be an eternal King. We know this promise is fulfilled through Jesus Christ. God’s promises are something we can count on for eternity.

But let’s take a closer look at that promise. David was called a man after God’s own heart and it’s because of this that he was promised his throne would be eternal.

The real beauty doesn’t lie in the promise itself, but in what happens after this promise was made. Although David was considered a ‘man after God’s own heart’ he certainly wasn’t perfect. In fact, in many areas he failed miserably. He was a lousy husband, a distant father, a murderer, a bad friend, and the list goes on.

Following David to the throne throughout history, we see a line of Kings guilty of murder, incest, rape, violence, idolatry and rebellion.

But God’s promise, inspite of man’s rebellion held true. He promised messiah would come from David’s lineage and that’s exactly what happened, in spite of the failure of men.

The beauty of God’s promises is that they are not dependent on our performance or character. They are dependent on his power to forgive, love and extend mercy to us knowing full well that we will fail. The struggles we go through now won’t change our destiny. Our problems don’t affect God’s promises. We can count on him!

Fear of the Lord is a life-giving fountain; it offers escape from the snares of death. Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ‭

Our dog, Oakley, is terrified of loud noises. Fourth of July, thunderstorms, hunting season and any other loud noises he hears will send him cowering to the floor and looking helplessly at us, almost as if to say, ‘Can’t you do something about this?’ Nothing we can do will comfort him. Fear conquers reality in his life. He is in no danger, but fear conquers facts!

All of us are famliar with fear. Sociologists have found that up to 90% of the things we fear never happen, and the remaining 10% were easier to get through than first thought. Fear conquers facts!

Yet, doesn’t the Bible say we should ‘fear the Lord?’ The answer is yes…and no. To fear the Lord isn’t to be afraid of the Lord. God isn’t some angry old man in the heavens with lightning bolts in his hands, ready to zap you with cancer, divorce, financial ruin, lay-offs and political unrest.

Fearing the Lord means we are in awe of His power. Where do you see His power manifest most often? I see God’s power most often in the person of His son, Jesus Christ. The power of Jesus was love, understanding, grace and mercy shown to those who rejected Him. Yet in all this he didn’t stray for the holiness of the Father.

The more we see God for who He is, the more we will revere, honor, serve and emulate him in our lives. To believe God is angry with you for past choices is a lie from Satan himself. Perfect love (God’s love) casts out all fear!

The more we learn about God through His Holy Spirit, the more He will show us the wisdom we need for each and every day. He becomes a life-giving fountain that refreshes us in the droughts, wildernesses and storms of life.

The difficulties we face in life are the consequences of sin not the revenge of an angry God. He promises to forgive our sins but may allow the consequences to help us grow stronger.

Don’t let FEAR keep you from the FACTS!

Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.

Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.

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May 2024
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