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I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then. Joshua‬ ‭14‬:‭11

“Age is just a number.”

Oftentimes, when people say that they are making a statement about the value they see in themselves.

“Don’t count me out!”

“Don’t let my age influence how you see me!”

“See my value, not my gray hair!”

Caleb was a man of faith. In his younger days, he was a courageous and mighty warrior. As he grew older, he watched as faithless family members died around him due to their lack of faith in God’s promise to give them the Promised Land.

We don’t hear much about Caleb as the people of Israel conquered the land God had promised them, but when it came time to claim the portion of land Moses promised him, he spoke up.

To paraphrase, he said something like this, “Don’t count me out! Don’t let my age fool you. My body may be older, but I can still perform the things God has called me to do.”

Paul says something similar to Timothy although it is regarding the other end of the spectrum. While Caleb was old, Timothy was young. Some may have looked down on Caleb because he was old. Some may have looked down on Timothy because he was young.

The message God has for us is this, “Don’t let age influence your influence.” As a member of the older generation, I need to learn from those younger than me, but also realize God’s not done with me yet.

Those in younger generations would be wise to glean knowledge and wisdom from those who have gone before us. If we don’t learn from the mistakes of history we are going to repeat them.

At whatever stage of life you are in, God can use you in mighty ways. Our world will be a better place is we glean Godly wisdom from those in every generation. God has walked through each generation. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever.

Keep learning. Keep active. Keep open to what others have/are learning. Learning is a life-long process God has ordained for our success.

See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. Isaiah‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬

Throughout history Satan has tried to destroy us. I’m quite sure as he watched Adam and Eve eat of the fruit of the tree he smiled with glee. He’d done it. He’d destroyed the relationship God had with His hallmark creation. But he didn’t.

When he gradually took away Job’s wealth, family/friends and health, I’m guessing he giggled. Now Job, God’s poster child would surely reject God. But he didn’t.

When Jesus breathed his last breath on the cross I can imagine him leaping for joy! Victory was his! But it wasn’t.

His tactics haven’t changed. Give the guy some credit. He doesn’t give up easily. His intent is still to defeat those who insist on believing, worshipping and following Jehovah God, the creator of the universe.

He uses a variety of tools from his tool box to try to keep us from enjoying the peace, joy and fulfillment of following Jesus.

He’ll use rejection, which often comes from people who claim to love us but turn away from us.

He slips in doubt by taking away what keeps us comfortable.

He uses fear by reminding us that the future is uncertain.

He instills in us desires that drive us towards things that don’t really satisfy.

These are just a few tools he uses to keep you from experiencing the victory only available through trusting our Heavenly Father in every circumstance. What’s his favorite tool to use on you?

People will fail you. Situations will cause you to want to doubt and fear. Remember, our Sovereign God is loving and our one and only source of true victory in the midst of attack. On the basis of His strength we can sing a song of victory when the enemy attacks.

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬

Two of the most powerful words in language are ‘Thank You’. You learned it as a kid. Always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. That’s the way life works. Sometimes it’s easy to say thank you. When someone opens a door for you, lets you in to traffic, offers you a cold drink on a hot day, ‘thank you’s’ are in order.

But what about those other times. Do you say thank you to the rude store clerk. Do you say thank you to the person who cuts you off in traffic? Do you say thank you to the person who, once again, is critical of you or how you do your job? ‘Of course not’ you say, right?

But Jesus would. So would the Apostle Paul. Paul wrote a very difficult letter to one of the churches he planted. The church in the city of Corinth started strong in grace, mercy, love and generosity. But sin and conflict broke out and in concern for his spiritual children, Paul was forced to write a letter to this group of struggling ‘Christ followers.’

It’s interesting that at the very beginning of this difficult letter, Paul expresses his appreciation for them. He didn’t appreciate them because they were people of character. He didn’t appreciate them for the way they held to God’s word. He didn’t appreciate them because of their high moral standards. Those things weren’t praiseworthy to First Church – Corinth.

Yet Paul appreciated them because of the grace they found in Jesus. There will always be people who annoy us. There will always be people who ridicule us or don’t meet our expectations. There will never be people who are outside of the reach of God’s grace. Appreciation of others doesn’t mean we agree with them, it simply means we value them because Jesus values them.

Who do you need to show value to today? Showing appreciation to others is a great way to show the grace Jesus offers everyone.

Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.

Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.

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May 2024
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