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When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬ ‭

None of us want to be helpless. Other words that define helplessness are incapable, vulnerable, defenseless, or weak (to name a few).

Which of those descriptive words would you like to be known for? Which of those words would you want on your epitaph? “Here lies ‘xxx’, He was incapable in life to accomplish anything.” Pretty sure that isn’t what any of us would hope for.

We live in a world that celebrates strength. We live in a world that applauds independence. We live in a world that pities the weak.

While the Bible speaks often of God’s love and power, it seems as though His power is most accessible when we are at our weakest.

It’s hard to think that way though, isn’t it? It’s in our weak times that the voices of negativity scream the loudest. It’s in our times of vulnerability that we may tend to withdraw into a shell of protection or act out in order to defend our integrity. It’s when we feel incapable that we tend to lean on a victim mentality (If they hadn’t done that to me, things would be different)

I wonder if God sees our times of helplessness as times of waiting? When we feel helpless the natural thing to do is look for help.

We really have three options, three sources to help us in those times of helplessness. Our first ‘go to’ us usually ourselves. Society tells us to ‘look within ourselves’, to ‘follow our heart’. But God warns us that the heart is deceitful above all things.

The second option is to look to others. I don’t think I need to tell you the dangers of that! People let us down. Even within the church there are those who are users and abusers, who use religion as a weapon to destroy.

The last option is one that is the best but also the hardest and that is God. Jesus’ disciples had seen him perform miracle after miracle, but when he was in the boat sleeping they feared for their lives. Yet, at just the right time, Jesus was there as to calm the storm.

God’s timing isn’t comfortable but it’s always best. God’s timing brings success, my timing, well, let’s just say it’s caused problems.

It’s when we are helpless that he shows himself best. When you feel totally helpless, spend time with the one who has the strength , wisdom and power to see you through the storm.

So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus. ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬

Have you ever completed a project, then stood back to admire your work? It came out exactly as you’d hoped. You smile and look to share your accomplishment with someone else? Perhaps not!

The perfectionist in us always see a flaw or think of how it could be better. The pessimist not only fails to celebrate the accomplishment, but finds ways to hide it from others. The insecure may feel like showing it to others may risk having the flaws pointed out or be accused of pride.

Those who are confident are willing to take the risk because they know this project is exactly what it needs to be. It’s a hard but wonderful reality to realize that God shows us off as his perfect creation. Before time began he had an idea for the you you are.

Oh, it may have been a rough road at times. You may have failed, rebelled, doubted or become apathetic, but that doesn’t take away from the you he sees.

We tend to look in the mirror and see the you that struggles with life issues. But not God. When he sees the ‘you’ he sees a masterpiece. When He looks at the ‘you’ you are, he sees the potential, he sees someone Jesus died for, he sees…someone to be proud of.

Imagine God shouting from the street corner how wonderful the ‘you’ is! And it’s all because of Jesus, not the ‘you’ you

Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything. 1 John‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬ ‭

How are you today?

The question is a common one when people greet each other. There’s a couple ironies to the question though. Often we ask that without really wanting or waiting for an answer!

Secondly, when we are asked that question we respond with, “good!” or some other sterile generic version of the answer.

Then, of course, there are those people who, when asked, give you a detailed answer much longer you needed. (We tend to avoid that question to those people.)

For those times when we are sincere with each other, the question is a valid one. We want to know how the other person is feeling, what’s going on in their lives and perhaps how we can support/pray for them.

Feelings are powerful. They can determine our outlook on life, affect how we respond to crisis, and impact our relationships.

They also make us vulnerable and that’s the scary part. Few of us would respond to “How are you feeling today” by saying, “I’m feeling really guilty today” or “I’m really ashamed today, thanks for asking.”

During those times when our feelings can get the best of us it’s nice to know God not only knows our deepest, most secret feelings. He is stronger than them!

Rather than focusing on our feelings, which can be fickle, focus on our God and His promises to love, forgive and strengthen us when emotions try to tear us away.

Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.

Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.

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May 2024
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