But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” John 4:14 (NLT)

Water amazes me. It can seep through the smallest of cracks in the ground or even through the hardest granite. When it freezes it can break anything that tries to contain it. It beings life to the cracked, parched ground and sustains life on all level.

Water satisfies. Why else would people sit for hours to watch the ocean or a waterfall, or a fountain? It symbolizes freshness, beauty and power. It fosters hope to those who are struggling to survive, or destroys everything in its path. We can harness it to give us power, but we can never contain it.

Is it any wonder that Jesus uses the analogy of water when he refers to the life he has given us through his Spirit? Is it any surprise that water symbolizes the grace he gave us through the cross?

This water, this life he has given us isn’t a stagnant pool, it’s a fountain. It’s not able to be contained, nor should it be hidden from view. It isn’t a flood or a tsunami causing destruction in its path, but a spring bubbling up, unable to be contained, evident to all and sought by those in struggles.

When people are in the wilderness they seek water. When people are in the depths of despair they seek relief. The ‘water’ that Jesus gives them is satisfying, refreshing and life-giving.

As Christ-follower we are the aqueduct bringing life to those in need of a savior. We are the ones Christ has chosen to bring all the benefits of water to those in need. Let your water flow. Let it burst forth to those in need of love, forgiveness, life. Let everything in your past be affected in some way by the ‘water’ of Jesus’ love. The gospel of Jesus Christ is never stagnant, always fresh and powerful!

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you for the new life you give us through your grace. May the life-giving water of your Spirit flow through me to affect change in those in need of you. Amen.